It's always fun to have Miss Gwyn and Uncle Tony visit! It looks like we have a wedding to look forward to. The kids will start practicing their roles as ring bearers and flower petal droppers.
Skye did a fantastic job making cookies. We made gingerbread men like you've never seen before...we had so much fun with the little guys. I even created ginger-yogi's. Placing the cookie men in various yoga postures. Hey, I should have some fun with this too!
Ginger Tea: 1 cup boiling water, 4 1/8-inch slices fresh ginger, 1 small sprig fresh rosemary or fresh mint, or two strips lemon peel, 1/2 tsp. honey 1. Pour water in cup. Add fresh ginger, rosemary, and honey. Stir to dissolve honey. Steep 5 minutes. Remove ginger and rosemary or, for intense ginger and rosemary flavor, leave in while sipping.
Burts Bees, Alba,Tom's of Maine,Jason, Kiss my Face beauty products. All Organic and Paraban Free. Note what products you are using on and in your body on a regular basis. Lotions, deodorant, toothpaste. A great book to help guide you: The Essential Green You! by Deirdre Imus
Insist on yourself; never imitate. -Ralph Waldo Emerson
A view from OUR corner of the world
We will try to update as often as possible. Click on the pic's for a closer look, but not too close!